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the hot babe #1

The hot babe is talking and walking along with her girlfriend, while looking over at some guys.    


Then her girlfriend suddenly flicks cold water on hot babe’s face.  


Then Hot Babe gripes; “What did you do that for?”   


“You said you were getting too hot.”    


“No I didn’t, I didn’t say -- too hot.”    


“Well . . .  you were too hot for me.”   

Hey all you guys out there; the hot babe is the perfect woman:


She's not too old, has a great body, is the prettiest woman you've ever seen, is smart, is sensible, is extremely sexy, and has no boyfriend!


She has only one problem; she's fictional.

the hot babe #2

The hot babe has this gorgeous blond hair.   


And a group of other gals comes by. And one of them says to her; "Your hair is so very very beautiful!".    


So then the Hot Babe reaches up, takes hold of her hair, and pulls it off her head; it's a wig.   


And she holds it out at arm's length and looks at it, and says; "Yes, it is very pretty, isn't it.?"   

the hot babe #3

The Hot Babe comes home, and Henry says to her;       


Were you hot again today?      


And the Hot Babe replies; Yes, I was. And I was so hot that I found a male flea on my body!     


How do you know it was a male flea?     


Well, if you look really, really, really close, and if you see a teeny tiny, teensy weensy, itty bitty thing between it's legs, then you know it's a male.     


So what if you look really, really, really close, and it could be a male, but your eyes aren't good enough to see it, then what?     


Well, I guess some guys are like that.       

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