The Pitch #1
You say you've got a show, or an idea for a show?
Oh yes, I've got a show all right, and lots of ideas for it. It's an outer space show, they have their own space ship, and they're headed to Alpha Centauri, from earth, it's a family, looking for a new home. So they take off, but there's a stowaway on their ship, he's Doctor Smith, he causes a lot of trouble. You see, he sabotages the ship, so they don't get to Alpha Centauri...
Do they ever get there?
Well, you see the point is - along the way Smith is messing them up, so they have many adventures...
So this Smith character, is he a good guy or a bad guy?
Well, he's sort of both, you see he drives the stories forward, he keeps messing up the Robinson family, and stealing things... You see, all he wants is to return to earth with all the treasure in the universe if he can. That's all he wants. So after they crash land on a planet, he lies, he cheats, he won't do any of the work, as I said he steals things from the Robinson's, sometimes he tries to murder them... so the Robinson's are lost in space all the time. And that's the show's title by the way. Lots of adventures...
So do the Robinson's discover that this Smith character sabotaged the ship in the first place?
Not really, no. That is to say they might suspect he had something to do with it, but he's very crafty, he can weasel out of just about anything...
But do they know that he's stealing from them, and telling them a pack of lies, and trying to murder them?
Oh yes, they know some of it, but they like him...
So they don't get rid of him?!!!
No, as I said, he drives the stories along, causing all sorts of trouble and adventures for them - they're too busy trying to survive...
So they don't ever learn that he's a total scoundrel? He never gets punished? They don't restrain him? They keep trusting him over and over again? Even though he never does what they want, and he's only out for himself? Sounds like he doesn't care about them at all. Why should this family care about him? I'm sorry, I'm going to have to say no, it doesn't sound like a good show to me, sorry.