the talking horse #1
Man comes to horse, and asks; So, Flash*, what do you think of Patty versus Felicity?
The Horse: Well, Felicity seems younger, but Patty might have better legs. They are probably both fine examples of humans, and both have blonde hair, and are both very attractive, that is to say they both have really nice muzzles, but it’s difficult to evaluate them with their clothes on.
Felicity needs to wear lenses, so her eyes must not be as good. But I doubt if either one can run as fast as I can, and try putting a saddle on either one, good luck with that.
But Felicity seems to have a better set of teeth, but I haven’t gotten a good look at her gums yet.
But I kind of like that name spivot, it reminds me of what I do a lot, when a bit is in my mouth.
(*Any resemblance to any other talking horse named Flash, is entirely unintentional and coincidental.)

Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak

Shantel Van Santen as Patty Spivot
The "From the Mind of..." page all began with these two photos.
Then once I had come up with "The Talking Horse", I thought, what else can I do?
the talking horse #2
Man; So, Flash, everyone wants to know, how did you learn to speak English?
Flash: No, I never learned how to speak English, only American.
the talking horse #3
Man; So, Flash, are you looking forward to the horse racing in England?
Flash: I guess so, as long as I don't have to run backwards or anything like that.
No, no, nothing like that. The English are not backwards, they are just like us. And speak the same language...
You mean the same as your kind? So they don't watch us horses running with trinoculars?
Trinoculars? Where are you getting these crazy ideas? No, they are like me, and where did you get such a large word?
From Cookies.
Oh, okay. And no, nothing strange about the English.... But there is one thing. Instead of riding in a horse truck, you might get to ride on a lorry.
Ride on a Laurie? You mean the women of your kind over in England are strong enough to carry a horse?!
the talking horse #4
Man; So, Flash, you saw those movies --- "The Lord of the Rings" didn't you?
Flash; Yes, I did.
So what did you think of them?
There were some nice horses in it.
Is that all?
No. And there were some nice places for horses in it.
Anything else?
Oh yes, and I studied the Elvish tongue for a long time.
So you have learned how to speak Elvish, as well as English? That's great!
No, because of their ears, I studied their tongues to see if they were any different from the others. But couldn't see that well inside their mouths.